Seichem is a branch of Reiki, a healing therapy that encompasses the healing energy of Reiki. The Reiki healing energy directly links back to Dr Mikao Usui and the Reiki he experienced and taught in Japan. A student who is attuned to Reiki and Seichem receives a "Lineage" Chart that clearly shows this direct link back to Dr Usui.
Seichem is a powerful healing system developed by Kathleen Milner in America after becoming a Reiki Master. I work with Reiki (Earth energy) as part of the Seichem treatment. Seichem encompasses earth, water, fire and air energies. Attunements to Seichem include Reiki, but the Reiki can be given and taught separately.
Sakara - Fire can be experienced as sparkly tingling sensations like a mild electrical current. It works in the aura transforming blockages and repairs the physcial body. Sophi-El - Water - is felt as a gentle coolness and helps to heal deep emotional issues. It opens the heart to love and enhances intuitive abilities.
Angeliclight - Air - can feel like a light a cool, gentle breeze and can facilitate mental healing. It establishes a link with the angelic realm.
Reiki - Earth - energy is experienced as heat or cold and benefits physical, mental and emotional health.
To channel these healing energies you must be attuned to them by a Seichem Master such as myself. This accelerates your personal and spiritual growth and development.
Seichem is taught in three stages:
At Level 1 (2 days)you are attuned to Level 1 Seichem and the Violet Flame and taught how to work on yourself and others, animals and plants.
At Level 2 (3-4 days) you are attuned to Level 2 /Seichem and the Violet Flame, channel stronger energy, and are introduced to the use of symbols. You also learn distance healing, mental/emotional cleanse, magnetic healing, hosanna clearance, psychic healing and how to create a crystal grid. You are taught to become a Reiki/Seicheim Therapist, and learn how to work in a professional context should you wish to do so.
At Master Level (3 days/flexible) you are attuned to the Master Seichem energies, the Violet Flame, and Yod and learn how to attune others. I teach clients how to teach on a one-to-one basis and in group situations, so that the newly attuned Master has confidence in their own abilities as a teacher as well as a therapist.
I am willing to give the Master energy attunement as an attunement without the commitment from the client to learning how to teach and attune others. The client would be known as a Level 3 Practitioner rather than a Master.
All courses are taught on a one-to-one basis or small groups of 2 - 4, and come with a manual and ongoing support.
Monthly Reiki /Seichem Meet-Up
Learn Reiki-Seichem and then meet with Susie on a monthly basis to exchange Reiki-Seichem, practice the therapy and receive the life changing energy.
This is part of your learning support and you are welcome. Exchanges are at no extra cost and held at Susie's home in Queensgate, Bridlington.
email [email protected]
Course dates are diarised to suit you.