5/4/2023 0 Comments Flexible PerfectionI have just dreamt up a term. It may become the latest buzz-word! Maybe it will go viral! I have never heard of this before, but it solves all my problems stemming from my beliefs and values that are rooted in “Being the Best I can Be,” in one go. “Flexible Perfection!”
What am I talking about? All my life I have strived to be the best I can be. This is rooted in my beliefs, and my beliefs create my values. From my beliefs and values I choose my level of integrity. I don’t like the concept of delivering second best, less than perfect, what I would call faulty, and what my Gran would have called “shoddy goods.” Trying to keep to this high benchmark of perfection can only mean one thing. If I sit upon the pedestal, I will fall off. Cause and effect. I am supremely human and WILL make mistakes. I am told that we learn from mistakes. I still cringe over mistakes I made in the past, and my lesson is, “Don’t ever do that again!” From that pocket of thinking stems adjectives such as, “bad,” “naughty,” “silly,” “embarrassing.” I discovered an amazing concept in my Neuro Linguistic Programming course: “There is no failure; only feedback!” Wow! A revelation. For everything I do, I receive feedback. The feedback assists me to make the next choice or decision. It may motivate me to stop doing one thing and start doing another. But it does not judge my Soul. I will save Blogs about my Soul for another time. If shoddy goods are not acceptable, what is? And how do I achieve this in every facet of my life? Onto the stage trots “Flexible Perfection!” In between shoddy goods and absolute heavenly perfection lies a whole range of outcomes. As long as I aim to be the BEST THAT I CAN BE in every situation (Perfection), I accept that I am challenged in every aspect of my life. To simplify: Physical: I have some wonderful days rock climbing, where I get into the dance of it, and float up the cliff. I lead a climb (easy one) and feel proud of myself. But, I get tired. I ache. I do not bend and stretch the way I used to. I am getting older. When I exercise I am not as fast or as strong as I used to be (and I never was very fast or strong anyway!) Flexible Perfection! Because I still try to do the best I can do, and that is perfect for me. Emotional: I am sometimes clear minded, peaceful and calm, and full of reciprocated love, and sometimes wobble all over the place with anxiety and worry, stressing ready to go pop! Then POP! So my emotional perfection is definitely very flexible! I actually decided perfection in emotion was a lost cause long ago. Flexible does not even start to describe my emotional states of being. But, there again, that’s me! Mental: I may be thinking fast and efficiently, reading books, taking in information, problem solving and delivering solutions. Ah, but next thing, I am forgetting names, wondering what I did last week, and as for remembering the words of folk songs that I want to sing; the words slip off into the mental undergrowth only to appear a week later long after needed. Flexible perfection. I know I have done my best, and it so depends on the time of day, or night, how tired I am, how busy I am, or how distracted I am as to how flexible that perfection needs to be. So, I aim high, and accept that I need a flexible approach to being satisfied with myself. Having coined the term “Flexible Perfection,” I am happy that it covers all manner of idiosyncrasies and long may that continue. Susie Fox
30/1/2023 0 Comments 2023 and the Adventure unfolds!21.2.23 A new development already! I have started a Coaching Course with the aim of honing my skills so I can deliver Life Coaching for personal development along with the Reiki Seichem, EFT, IHM, Munay Ki and Egyptian Cartouche that I already do. Work as a Night Shift Senior Care Assistant is always busy, so I have to manage my free time carefully. I have already enjoyed the first week of the Coaching Course. I negotiate time for clients around my free time and family. Looking forward to a very busy 2023. 30.1.2023 My New Year Resolution List is rather long! It usually is. I am planning adventures in travel to explore the land and ancient historical sites that can be found on it. These connect to our ancestors and the ways they lived. I find it so interesting. I have just walked 10.5 miles around the sacred sites of Avebury, walked from Ogbourne St Andrew's tumulus to Ogbourne St George's church, then up onto the Ridgeway to be buffeted and blown by rather fierce winds pushing me to Barbary Hill Fort. Then an exploration of Winchester, indulging in Jane Austen's Chasten, and a boggy expedition from Dorchester (Wallingford) with its ancient abbey to Wittenham Clumps with its Sinoden Hill Fort. And I did not get lost!
I am giving Reiki Seichem treatments, but it would be lovely to teach it again. It is so rewarding. Anyone out there pondering whether or not to learn Reiki (Seichem is a form of Reiki) please do get in touch. Likewise Munay Ki. I thoroughly enjoy a once-a-month Neuro Linguistic Programming Practice Group, an online meeting led by John Cassidy Rice of www.nlpcourses.com. I share a great evening starting with an introductory talk and then the group practices the technique focussed upon. I find I have developed some aspect of myself or sorted out a problem by the time we have finished. Let me know if you are interested in such a group. I have also taken part in a retreat in the Lake District called Space to Emerge which takes place next to Windermere Lake. I am going again at the end of April, and cannot wait for the amazing Gong Baths workshop, and learning all manner of different things from Egyptian Dance, singing Earthlings, Yoga, Trance Drumming - the is barely a star! Add herbal walks, photography sessions, art and craft, and the delving deep into our English culture. It is run by Jason and Nicola Smalley, founders of The Way of the Buzzard. It is a "Mystery School" that focuses on our relationship with the natural world and the energies of the land in a shamanic way. www.thewayofthebuzzard.co.uk So - my New Year Resolution List: Enjoy Reiki Seichem, giving treatments and teaching Use EFT and NLP practically in all walks of life Explore the land and ancient sites in areas I have not been before Garden and grow my own veg Sing and dance with glee (when my partner is out of the house) Work hard at my night shift job but don't take it home with me Hike and rock climb for fitness Analyse the Herbal Medication course I enrolled upon and make notes ...and start a Coaching Course to compliment the Teaching that I do. That's all for now folks... Have a great 2023 8/12/2020 0 Comments Fresh Start for 2021Reiki and Seichem transformed my life! A bold statement, but one I believe to be true. I lived in York, brought up my children and worked full time. I learnt Reiki first, then to gain Mastership level with my chosen Master, I took Seichem (a form of Reiki). I love the energies, but they don't leave you alone, and during these years my life went through many changes. I learnt and continue to learn that a Seichem Life Journey is non-stop development, and over time, gently, gently (well, mostly gently) we are led to become the best person we can be. Still work in progress!
I had a break from teaching Reiki, Seichem, Egyptian Cartouche and Munay-Ki as I moved to Bridlington, changed jobs, completed an NVQ Level 5 Qualification in Leadership and Management for the Care Company I worked for, and finished NLP Programming and Meridian Psychotherapy courses. These were targeted for my own self-healing, empowered by Seichem. Now that I have settled in Bridlington, with a partner, home and job, I am ready start teaching again. I floated out an offer to the Universe - along the lines of, "I would love to teach people and honour the energies and all that I have learnt, if you would like me to do so." That was a couple of months ago and I have been contacted out of the blue by some people who want to further their own learning in Seichem. The "word" must have zinged along the energies of the world because I haven't advertised at all. How lovely! So here's the newly tweaked website. I still work in the Care Sector, so my therapy teaching is for love, not for necessity. I have been very busy learning Meridian Psychotherapy (EFT), Neurolinguistic Programming, Aromatherapy and (non-medical) Herbalism, with a tad of Kinesiology tagged on to assist Meridian Psychotherapy. These compliment my love of Seichem and Reiki, but I have only used them for my own self-healing and development. It is all SO interesting! So, here's to 2021 and a new start for myself and the UK. I look forward to meeting people, sharing Seichem, Reiki, Munay Ki, Egyptian Cartouche, and if I can assist people to heal themselves using EFT that would be great. |
Susie Fox